Thursday, 30 June 2011


Please remember to apply suncream to your child in the morning before they come to us, even if the weather is cloudy and doesn't look like it's going to be sunny. 

We will then re-apply later on in the morning and again after lunch if necessary. 

Thank you.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Collage and biscuits

The children have been creating pictures this week, using different materials.  These have included old magazines, coloured paper, stickers and straws.  They have done lots of cutting and sticking!
Victoria's creation - love the way she has cut out triangles for the bird's wings and beak!

We baked some biscuits today, using lots of different shapes. 

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Off on Friday

Please don't forget that we are off on Friday.  I am going to see Bon Jovi in Manchester and am really looking forward to it! 

Pogo printer

We have just purchased a new pogo printer, which is great!  We can print a photo within a few minutes of taking it and use it for our observations.  You will notice that your child's learning journey will include them and that we have altered our style of observations and 'next steps'.  We will know over the next few weeks/months how things are working out and please give us your feedback too :).

Every Child a Talker

I went on a cluster for ECAT last night.  It was really interesting and we learnt about baby sign.  There are various types of sign language, but the one we learnt and that our area is encouraging, was 'signalong'.  It is different from the Makaton which Mr. Tumble/AKA Justin teaches us!  We are being given manuals containing lots of different signs, so once we receive it, we'll introduce some to the children.  The older children will find it quite fun and it will help the younger children, who can't yet communicate verbally, to tell us what they want. 

This week is week 1

Sorry its late......

Friday, 17 June 2011

Later on this week we....

Played with lots of teddies, some of which used to belong to Charlotte and Alice. The children brought a teddy in from home to play too. 

We had a teddy bears picnic

The children cut up their fruit to make a fruit salad for themselves and teddy.

Chris chopped some branches of the trees in our garden and the children had great fun playing at being 'workmen/women' with them.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Teddy bears

Tomorrow and Thursday will be 'Teddy Bear Picnic' days.  If your child would like to bring in a teddy from home to enjoy the picnic with us, that would be great.  If not, there are lots of teddies here who are looking forward to it ~ especially Winston! 

Last year we collected for Action Medical Research but this year we will just make a donation ourselves as we seem to have asked for quite a lot of donations from parents for various charities already this year. 

Fun in the sun!

We've had lots of fun today and the sun has shined on us all day long!!!!!!! 

Fun in the sand

Ramps for the trucks

We made a card for someone special

Water play - floating and sinking