Copied from NHS website:
There's no magical number of hours that all children in a certain age group need.
Find out more about how much sleep is healthy for babies and toddlers
Charts listing the hours of sleep needed by children can cause concern when individual differences aren’t considered.
These numbers are simply averages reported for large groups of children of particular ages.
Sleep is very important to a child's wellbeing. A lack of sleep can cause a child to become hyperactive and disagreeable, and have extremes in behaviour.
Here are some approximate numbers based on age, as recommended by the Millpond Children’s Sleep Clinic:
1 week
daytime: 8 hours
night time: 8.5 hours
4 weeks
daytime: 6.75 hours
night time: 8.75 hours
3 months
daytime: 5 hours
night time: 10 hours
6 months
daytime: 4 hours
night time: 10 hours
9 months
daytime: 2.75 hours
night time: 11.25 hours
12 months
daytime: 2.5 hours
night time: 11.5 hours
2 years
daytime: 1.25 hours
night time: 11.75 hours
3 years
daytime: 1 hour
night time: 11 hours
4 years
night time: 11.5 hours
5 years
night time: 11 hours
6 years
night time: 10.75 hours
7 years
night time: 10.5 hours
8 years
night time: 10.25 hours
9 years
night time: 10 hours
10 years
night time: 9.75 hours
11 years
night time: 9.5 hours
12 years
night time: 9.25 hours
13 years
night time: 9.25 hours
14 years
night time: 9 hours
15 years
night time: 8.75 hours
16 years
night time: 8.5 hours