Friday, 22 July 2011


Just to remind you, as if you didn't already know, that we are on holiday for 2 weeks after today. 

When we get back (August 8th) it will be week 3 of our menus. 

Happy holidays everyone xx

Thursday, 21 July 2011

The Role of Language in Early Child Development

I have been emailed a report today, which details the links between language at 24 months, and readiness for school. 

I've only had a quick look as it's quite long-winded (!) but it seems quite interesting. 

The link is as follows:

You then click the 'download' box on the left of the screen. 

Thank you so much for the bags!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Dolls house

Just a photo, taken this morning, to show you how well all of the children play together.  Such a lovely photo!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

carrier bags or nappy sacks

Please could you send a couple of carrier bags with your child's belongings for artwork, dirty shoes, clothes etc etc.  Also, if your child wears nappies, please could you send either nappy sacks or carrier bags for disposal of nappies.  We keep running out of carrier bags so this would be a big help. 

Thank you :)

A couple of photos for you

Duck pond visit



Please remember that we finish on Friday for 2 weeks. 

Hope that, if you are on holiday too, you have a fantastic time! 

Its week 2 this week!

New website that may be of interest

I will also put it into our links on the right of the page. 

Sunday, 10 July 2011

We are on week 1 of our menu this week.

Last week..........

We had lots of fun with the new water-play table.

Made some monkey faces out of paper plates, to start us off with our 'Dear Zoo' theme.

We coloured in some numbers which we then laminated and put outside on a washing line.

We had fun ordering the numbers.

We painted some butterflies which we laminated and stuck outside.  We also laminated some bird pictures to help us identify what birds we see in the garden.

We saw loads and loads of baby frogs at the duck pond and fed the swans and cygnets. 

It was Alice's prom on Friday night.  She looked lovely and she had a fantastic time!

Friday, 1 July 2011

This week.......

We had great fun with water!

Visited the new park near Moor Park swimming pool. 

Played with the zoo animals.

Enjoyed playing with the planks of wood, foam tubes and tools. 

Explored something special that William's grandad has made for us.  It includes a letter box, handles, switches, hooks and bolts. 

Hope you all have a lovely weekend - we'll see some of you at Adam's party on Sunday!